
Posts Tagged ‘Marathon’

Hola folkies! Sorry for the long delay – revision, you know the drill…but my next exam isn’t for 3 weeks now, sooooooo..more DC yeh? More photos, less chat 😛

Plane –


I. Love. my. mum.

The plane ride went super duper quick – we chatted, played cards, watched a film (Toy Story 3 for me – not impressed) and before we knew it, at 4.12pm we landed at Dulles! For some reason however, the bloke at the passport check stamped my card thing with a B or a P or some letter; upon the next passport control, my mum and I were ordered into a scary waiting room and told to leave our suitcases at the back and sit down (with about 6 other people). 1hr later, and lots of worry at watching 2 or 3 other people get baaasically kicked out of the country and having NO idea why we were there, we were called to the front desk. Why? Apparently, my finger prints hadn’t gone through right. Wtf?? Anyway….

We arrived at our first hotel (a cheapo right near the airport) tired and hungry:




A lovely guy at the front desk drove us to Wegman’s for free though, so we could go to their salad bar (like the Whole Foods ones!!) and get a proper dinner. Oh my, real food had never tasted so good!!

In the morning, I did the sweatiest, most rough 4mile run in the treadmill in the ‘gym’ (a room about 2m square with a treadmill and a swiss ball!!). I would have gone outside, were we not surrounded by main roads….I hate the treadmill.

After a LOT of delicious coffee…


…and a pretty cheap breakfast of instant oatmeal and tinned fruit, we moved to our proper hotel in Arlington, just outside of DC. MUCH better!!!


The room was so beautiful…and CHEAP too! We got a special marathon discount package 😀


Best beds ever 🙂 And – STARBUCKS coffee, which I became OBSESSED with!!


The days leading up to the marathon involved lots of this:


The accidental discovery of an amazing place called Chopp’d! Basically, a big salad bar – you pick your leafy base, a load of add ins (tofu, chicken, shrimps, fruits, every veggie under the sun, nuts, seeds, pitta crisps etc, a million natural fresh dressings….), they bung it in a bowl and chop it all up! I became obsessed with avocado and walnuts in my bowls 🙂 Along with huge wraps on the side for carbs:



We also hit up the museums in a big way – Air and Space:


My mum wanted to go in the space simulator 😛


It was SO hot that day….





Natural History:




(Flashback three years ago – my BFF Jenny and I!!!)


Me as an ancient breed of human….


….quite an improvement right?


We also had a wonderful late lunch (we got lost!) at Le Pain Quotient – famous for the bread! – which was mentioned on Kath’s blog a while back.

My mum had an amazing turkey avocado thing:


Whist I got an incredible quinoa/chickpea salad, with sprouts and pesto and tofu:


With extra vegan butternut squash soup and carbs!


I ate every last bite 😛


It was incred 🙂 My mum even did the American thing, and had pumpkin pie!



We paid a visit to Obama:




And hit up Whole Foods for dinner….Just for my squash-loving readers out there:


There were millions of KABOCHAS inside too 😛

Saturday brought with it the MARATHON EXPO!



(blokiest top ever, it looks terrible on!)

Free food!

And a ton of swag!


So much good stuff, I could have spent a bomb of money there 😛 Luckily, I restrained!

After the expo, we took a trip the Spy Museum. My best friend Jenny, who I stayed with in Washington DC with three years ago, went last time and said it was amazing – so off we went! Walking through the street to get there, I started to smell something…

…’I smell Chika. No wait..I smell horses!’ Sure enough, as we turned onto the next street –




Not just any old horses, but nice horses. Like, real nice.


In fact, about 3 streets had been shut down and were replaced with temp stabling!


Yep, we had stumbled across the Washington International Horse Show!!! My mum and I were both pretty gutted that we hadn’t realised earlier, and bought tickets…but we had a spy museum to get to 😛 Which, FYI – was INCREDIBLE! I wish we could have spent much longer in there, but we had an event to get to.

The Marine Corps First Timers Event in fact, for all marathon first timers. I wish I had a ton of photos and great stories, but to tell you the truth, it was awful. We stayed for about an hour and a half, talked to 2 blokes running for their first time, and then left. It was very disappointing.

Insert Saturday Here (ie see last post!)

Insert Marathon Here (again, see last post :p)

POST marathon – Monday!

I can hardly remember what happened on Monday – very little! We had a lie in, a lovely breakfast, and went and explored Crystal City. On the way, we stopped at an amazing vegan restaurant/take away called Java Green – it was basically either raw, vegan, or both! I had my first taste of kelp noodles in my box:


Well. What can I say? AMAZING!! The flavour was outstanding, and the texture was so cool. I fell in love!


Fast forward to the plane ride home – we upgraded at a cost of about £30 each to Economy PLUS! Oh boy:


I don’t care how much it costs, I’ll sell Chika* if I need to – I NEVER WANT TO FLY LONG HAUL ECONOMY EVER AGAIN!! (*nothing will ever make me sell Chika. She dies with me!)

Now I’m going to fast forward again, to some DC-inspired eats from home 🙂

PEANUT FLOUR from Trader Joe’s! In peanut butter form on pumpkin oats:


Tastes so, SO similar to normal peanut butter, but with a ton extra protein…love.

In peanut butter form, as a dip for roast veggies:


And in peanut butter form, mixed with cocoa and various other bits, as a tempeh topping:


Ever had Dark Chocolate Dreams PB? It was the spit!

I’ve also had an incredible sea spaghetti + steamed courgette/celeriac, with lemon juice and agave:




There’s been lots of orzo, after I discovered it in Whole Foods:


With caremalized pear, vanilla and thyme…


It was as good as it sounds!

Pumpkin yogurt:


Very missed Green Monsters:





Bagels with soy yogurt:







And finally, BAKED APPLE! With date syrup and cinnamon:



Quite possibly, the best thing I’ve ever eaten!!

Ok…looking back, this is one MEGA long post. But quickly – I’ve had some good runs since the Mary, including a fab 7miler, and I’ve been going mad for my new Jillian Michael’s DVD. LOVE HER!

Now I’m done 🙂

How have you all been!??

Have you ever seen Toy Story 3? Thoughts?

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Alreet! Now I’ve sorted out my ecto issues, time for part 2….

The Day Before

You know what Saturday’s mean in my marothoning world…Carb loading! Enter a bowl of Irish cream oats (made with water, but oh-em-gee, the creamiest oats I’ve EVER had) with a banana and granola I’d bought in Whole Foods a few days before, and 2 pieces sourdough toast on the side (and huge amounts of coffee :p):


Yep, that’s the way to go.

Saturday morning was, quite possibly, the most infuriating morning ever. Jon Stewart (The Today Show fame, for UK folks) and some other American bloke held a rally for something or other that day (which we didn’t know about – Emily has a recap post of the rally on her blog if you want to know more), which meant that DC was overrun with people!! And I’m talking hundreds of thousands here…we tried for an HOUR to get onto the Metro from our hotel, but couldn’t get on the train!! The buses were full, there were no cabs..madness. In the end, we killed time at the hotel, before having lunch at a lovely Chinese opposite the hotel (tofu plus brown rice plus lots of veggies = wonderful!). I even had my first fortune cookie!


My mum:







By the evening, we were able to get out, get dinner, then head back and get an early night….(oh, and see a person pass out on the Metro train, cos it was SO packed still. Imagine London rush hour, then x it by 100, and you’re somewhere close to how rammed it was).

Marathon Day

So I slept really, really bad! 4hrs maybe!? I was so excited! When the alarm went off at 5.20am, I jumped out of bed 😀 Luckily, all my stuff was laid out:



So I had time to eat a proper breakfast – clever old me picked up a serving of oats from the bulk bins at Whole Foods, which I mashed with a banana and a packet of Justin’s chocolate almond butter for a breakfast cookie 😀




Then, we were off!!! (note – why won’t ecto let me rotate photos!!??)


The Metro was totally rammed, with nothing but marathoners – all my worrying about getting lost was for nothing!

When we got to the right Metro stop (at the Pentagon) we had to walk for about 20mins to get to the start line. It was C O L D!


The next job was to eat a Clif bar and cue for the toilets….


….yep, that is toilets as far as the eye can see. That was just one side – the other side of the car park (?) looked exactly the same, and there were hundreds more along the start road. 30,000+ people need a lorra lorra toilets….

I just about made it in time to the start line, where I said goodbye to my mum. By this point, my heart was POUNDING and I was shaking like a leaf – that’s what nerves do to you! Plus, my mum and I both said after that when we left each other, we each almost cried :p Emotions were running high!


Random pics my mum took – note the gloves and long sleeves!


The cannon ball gun thing went off at bang on 8am – but I didn’t cross the start til 8.11! The amount of people was just mind blowing.

After being told terrible tales, I was expecting the first 1/2 hour or so to be awful, in terms of crowding and being unable to keep a pace. It was actually fine though! I was a liiiittle bit slower than I would’ve liked, but not enough to worry at all. The most odd thing though, was the amount of clothes on the sidelines. People who had layered just threw their clothes away as they ran! Seriously, the first 2miles, there were enough clothes to fill a huge running shop 2 x over!!

The first 5 or 6miles flew by. The crowds were great and I felt fab, with a good 9.45 pace. I had a Gu at mile 4, purely cos I was worried about The Wall…I sure didn’t need it though! Around mile 6 or 7, there were some killer hills (check out the elevation chart! note the hill at mile 26….):


But my pace didn’t suffer. At mile 8ish, I ate a mini Clif bar. Again, I didn’t need it, and straight away regretted it as pangs of nausea hit :s

At mile 10, I saw my mum!


Photos she snapped whilst on the move 🙂





It was great to see her- I had a massive grin, as she started cheering madly!

I continued to run on, feeling great. My legs didn’t hurt and I was on perfect target pace time. Around mile 12ish, i ate a Powerbar (over the course of about 2miles). Worst. Move. Ever. At mile 16, I saw my mum again (YAY!), but it was just after that mile that my body reacted badly to all the artificial food. A combination of too much food and too much Powerade (in the Camelbak, and at water stations) meant I felt so, so ill. My tummy was sticking out like mad, I had stomach cramps and felt incredibly sick. That was where my pace started to go downhill!

Annoyingly, I had zero leg pain. Like, absolutely nothing (and I never did get any, right to the end)! I don’t know if it was cos I ate more during the week, or all the walking we did or what, but it was pretty darn cool 😛 Just that darned tummy…..anyway. A bit before mile 20, I ate another mini Clif. I was so, so scared of The Wall that I kept shovelling the food, but it didn’t help. When it came to the massive bridge at mile 20, I felt the worst EVER. I took so many walk breaks, and each time I thought I was about to throw up.

At mile 22, a randomer gave me 2 mini tiny salted pretzels which were AMAZE – the salt went down a treat and it was all I was craving! It didn’t help my mood though – I’d been crying on and off since mile 20, and when I saw my mum again at mile 22, I burst into tears AGAIN! After that, the final 3.2 miles dragged by. I got given 3 oreos by someone:


And I ate one in mile 25, which actually was ok. I think I needed the quick sugar hit.

The final steep hill on the last bit was killer, and I was crying my eyes out cos I was really disappointed in myself 😦 But, I crossed it! (You can see photos on the Marine Corps website – search my surname Gillott, and bib number – 10560). BIG relief!

It took about 40mins to get my medal, have a few photos, and find my mum. During that time, I nibbled on a bagel the size of my head (literally) from the goodie bag….


….. given at the end. By the time I reached my mum though, I just wanted to curl up on a seat:


I spent about a 1/2 hour waiting for the nausea to go, at least enough to get on the Metro back to the hotel! At this point, we were SO relieved the hotel was only a few stops away 🙂

By the time we got back, I felt much better – though all we did was flop onto our beds 🙂 My wonderful mum treated herself to a big Starbucks coffee and cake, and we chillaxed for an hour or so 🙂


I admired my medal….


….and began to feel much more proud of myself 🙂 After all, I still did a marathon…and getting a time of 4.51 hours, when I am SO capable of more, means that it’ll be easy to PB at my next one 😛 (positive thinking right!!??)

`Overall thoughts? BIG thank yous to my MUM (she was AWESOME!!!!), who was the best help ever, and amazing company. Also big thanks to all you guys! Your support was invaluable during training 🙂

And now…I’ve entered for my second marathon 🙂 My mum asked me at the finish if I wanted to do another one, where I said no. 3hrs later, my answer was reversed. Soooo – Bring on Barcelona, March 2011!! The one advantage of European living – a 2hr flight to Europe!!

And, I WILL do 4hrs30 on that one. I promise!

More recaps to come….

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PHEW what a busy day! In this order:

Eat, run, eat, pack, ride, burn, eat, iron, muck out, wash hair, pack, eat, blog. I haven’t stopped!! Starting from the top:

1) Pre-run fuel:




2) Run! 8miles, my third from last run before the marathon….crazy! Despite being blustery and proper cold, the sun was shining and I had one of my best ever runs 🙂 An even 9.26 min/mile pace, done in 1hr15 (and not a single step of walk :p). Enjoyable 🙂


(Dirty hair, no make-up, freezing cold, just ran 8miles. That picture took some bravery to put up!! :p)

3) Breakfast! An EGM:

  • kale
  • melon
  • banana
  • cereal
  • soya milk
  • xanthan gum
  • Vega chocolate smoothie mix
  • maca powder
  • almonds and dates



Oh, I have missed them so! It’s been probably well over a week since my last one…it went down a treat 🙂

4) I packed, no pictures :p

5) Ride – my mum gave me a lovely lunge lesson on Chika, who – of course – was an angel. I’m going to miss her 😦

6) BURN! I was baking some munchkins in the oven, took them out with the oven glove on one hand, then thought ‘ah I’ll put them in the other hand….’. OUCH. I squeaked! The pain was intense!! After a thorough run under the cold tap, my mum bandaged a leaf of aloe vera plant onto it:


The goo in the leaves of aloe vera plants is the BEST stuff ever – totally natural, but amazing healing properties. The relief of it touching my burn was instant 🙂

7) Lunch – Operation Clean the Fridge Out of Veg Before We Leave! In honour of the operation, I had a small bowl of ketchup/bbq roasted veggies:


Aubergine, parsnip, acorn squash (hate it), brussels sprouts


As well as a baked munchkin for oats:


I scraped out the insides of the smaller one, and added it to a 1/3 cup oats, along with nutmeg, cinnamon and maple syrup:



It then got all cooked up, and put in a JAR!


I’ve been saving that jar for AGES, and today was the perfect day for it….

Before the unveiling….

Ta da!


My mum loves the crunchy peanut butter in sandwiches 🙂


….bliss. I also had an unpicturerd carby energy bar thing, that was foul 😦

8) No pictures of me washing my hair, shockingly.

9) Nor of me mucking out. No-one wants to see horse poop.

10) Nor of my packing…

11)…and nor of my eats (my camera is charging :D) – but they consisted of an apple, cereal and yogurt. No surprises there! To make up for it, here’s a pretty picture of a pumpkin yogurt cereal swirl mess from yesterday 😀



And now for the second part of my post, which I wrote yesterday 🙂


Here’s something crazy – I fly to Washington DC to run to my first ever marathon on TUESDAY! I don’t have time to blog on Monday (though whilst I’m gone, I may well be tweeting from the iPod Touch – BritChickRuns is my name :)) , so I thought I’d do a kinda recap post today.

I did my final long-ish run today – 8miles. Just a 4miles and a 2miles left to go, 3 days off, then MARATHON! Training has been tough, and there’s been a lot of runs:

Early 8milers back in June here


13 milers...that went really, really well!

And 13milers that didn’t go quite to plan….

I tried new methods of running here

And ran 15milers here! (ps – the stripy-ish crazy squash in that pic? Still haven’t eaten it :p it’s getting riper by the day!)

There has been really tough 16 mile runs…

That have skewed my view of what a ‘long’ run is!

I’ve also run 18miles in training, which were brilliant!!

And 14milers which were awful.

But, my final LONG training run – 20miles – was one of the best runs ever. It’s good to finish on a positive note!

Training was nothing like I thought it’d be – I thought it would take up much more time mid-week than it did, but I also thought I’d find those long runs easier than I did. Yep, some of them were fab, but some were crap too. I didn’t anticipate my reaction to the heat (praise be for my CamelBak, or I may not even be writing this post :p), or the effect loooong runs would have on my speed! In fact, when I started my training, I wanted to do the marathon in about 4hrs. That soon changed to 4hr15 as training progressed, then to 4hrs30. My current goal? 1) Finish! 2) Finish in sub 5hrs 3) Finish in 4hrs30. Goal 1 first, then we see how it goes 😀

Also – I don’t know if – at this moment in time – I’d ever want to do another marathon. If Marine Corps goes well, and I do finish, I doubt I’ll do another one, at least not for a few years! Though knowing me, if I’m not happy with my time, or I can’t finish it, you can be sure I’ll be signing up for another one!! Post-marathon though, my plan is to just stick to 3 and 4mile distances for a while. I want 6miles to be a LONG run, not a short training one!! I want 3miles to be a good workout, instead of finishing it and thinking ‘where’s the next 4miles?’. I also want to do a bunch more half marathons. Going by my training runs, I think that 13mile distance is my favourite. Of course, nothing compares to the AMAZING feeling of completing a 20miles..but a half marathon is pretty cool too :p

But anyway – I’ll stop looking back, and look FORWARD! For the next week, my life is about 2 things, and 2 things only:

  • thinking positively (I WILL kick ass in this Mary!)
  • eating carbs! This week is going to be carb loading week. Lots of oats 🙂 Oh, what an effort :p

It’s also about rest…and packing…and working…so with that in mind, I need to get on with it all!!


(PS – I doubt I’ll be blogging in DC – bar Twitter – but I’ll take lots of photos, and hopefully do a fab post – or 10 – when I get back, on November 3rd.)

(PPS – I have to say, thank you all SO much for your support. I’ve had some tough runs, but you guys have always had the best and most encouraging things to say. I appreciate it!! xo)

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….or, as the case may be, don’t.

Normally, I’m really good at imagining things – when I used to compete regularly in dressage, I’d imagine riding through my test (every single step, corner, transition) over and over. I’d imagine finishing it with a smile, getting a great score, and winning the class. It’s amazing what imagination can do! So many times, my imagined scenario would come off. The days I didn’t do it, I often did a much worse test. Correlation or causation? Causation, in my opinion 🙂

So, I thought I’d do some serious imagining re the marathon – I want to imagine myself reaching 10miles, 15miles, 20miles, NOT hitting a wall, hitting 23miles, 24miles, 26.0miles, 26.1miles, the finish…I want to imagine getting my medal, meeting my mum (and no doubt crying :p) and the sheer joy of having done it! But – I can’t!

I try and imagine all this, but my mind is blank. It’s not negative, it’s not positive- there’s simply nothing there to imagine!! It. Is. Infuriating. I think a lot of it is because the whole thing is SO different to anything I’ve ever done before. i’ve competed dressage thousands of times, ridden, done the whole shebang, but running a marathon? In America? Alone? With 35,000 people!? Heck, I’ve done 4 running races in my entire life, the biggest having had about 1000 entries!

I talked to my mumma about it the other day, and we agreed that by the time I’m IN DC, and I’ve picked up my packet and gone to the First Timers Evening, everything will fall into place, and my power of positive thought will take shape….here’s hoping! I don’t want to run it blind…


Whilst we’re on the subject – I always used to imagine what it was like to buy canned pumpkin, and then to EAT said pumpkin. It was a distant dream. Until today! Yep, I broke into my first can of pumpkin this morning 🙂 OATS it was! (Perfect after a 26minute very very cold 3miler :))

– a large 1/2 c. oats/spelt flakes (spelt flakes give it a great chew!)

– 1/2 c. soya milk, 1/2 c. water

– a large 1/2 c. pumpkin

– a tiny weeny banana (and another half, cos it was so small :p)

– cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, almonds


Oh, I squealed with joy!




I was so excited! Til I started to cook it – then it looked SO watery! After a good 5mins of stirring on the hob, I put it in a bowl and shoved it in the Aga for 5mins whilst I unpacked the dishwasher. I then put it in the keep-warm oven, and by the time I got round to eating it, it had hardened up to my liking 🙂



SUPER! Extremely, extremely delicious!! OH pumpkin, where have you been all my life!!?? I didn’t want the bowl to end 😥

Obvs it did. Good things always come to an end :/ (even my can of pumpkin – it’s been 1day and it’s almost finished….) But I had so much other yummy food to look forward to! In fact, I’ve had some GREAT things these past few days!

Pre-run fuel of an O bar:


Fab ingredients:

Love them! So dense and delicious, AND a portion of fruit 🙂

Peanut butter coated parsnip and brussels sprouts:


A very gooey peanut butter sammeech:


(I miss peanut butter – I never, ever think of doing it in a meal – probs cos the jar (x 6) are hidden in the cupboard. Out of sight, out of mind!)

Chocolate roasted chickpeas, with hummus and tempeh:


Actually one of my all time favourite meals 🙂

And today! Which I shall name The Day of Pumpkin! Pumpkin oats, and pumpkin on toast, with cinnamon:



Holy cow.

I worked out my favourite bit of the toast was the crappy burnt bit:


Oooobviously, I saved it til the end, with my other favourite bit :p


Yeah, it was goooood.

I also had a bowl of my favourite roasted veggies – onion squash (this one I’m on is INCRED!! It beats my last kabocha hands down!), parsnip, brussels, aubergine, kale:


Annnd just now, I snacked on a bowl of cereal with soya yogurt and…yep, PUMPKIN! It was to die for 🙂

Besides good food, what else have I been up to..being busy, that’s what! I sure do miss blogging regularly, but by GOSH I do not have any free time at the moment! I’ve got my lectures, commuting, and a dissertation to sort out, which is taking FOREVER (I have to go into schools and test children). I’m also doing some volunteering in a primary school (or will be – training first), teaching them about history. I’ve had lots of meetings about it, and it’s going to be so fun!!! I’m trying to ride as much as I can too, as well as sticking to my marathon plan. My final ‘long’ run tomorrow, 8miles….after that, I have a 3miles, a 4miles, and a 2miles, then – MARATHON!

I can’t believe how soon it is – my mum and I leave on Tuesday!!! Crazy crazy. I’m nervous!! Plus, I’m a bit miffed – the amount of lectures, meetings, work and organisational time I’m missing is ridiculous :s oh well!!

Annnyways – I better get my groove on and get movin’. Have a good evening!

Question: Do you believe in the power of the imagination, or positive thought? Has it ever worked for you?

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Canned pumpkin has arrived in the UK!

Life as I know it is about to get very interesting. Very interesting indeed….

As interesting as some of the food I’ve eaten the past few days?












Maybe not. But still!

Ps – woah, I had the best run today! It was just like old times:

mile 1 – 8.31

mile 2 – 8.32

mile 3 – 8.28

mile 4 – 8.04

Fast AND effortless! Believe me, there was a BIG smile on my face after I finished it!!

Question: What’s made you excited recently? For me – pumpkin and CHRISTMAS CARDS and cold weather!!

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Ohh gosh, I’ve had some of the best dreams over the past few days! I know I bang on about dreams a lot, but sometimes they’re just so cool! Take Friday night, for example. I remembered not one, not two, but THREE dreams!!

1) I had a huge argument with a store worker about the price of kabocha squash and pumpkins. He said one thing, I said another, the label said something else. It was quite the heated argument!

2) I saw a boy riding a pony really REALLY badly – the boy’s mumma then came up to mine, and offered her £1million per year, to be a live-in instructor to him to teach him how to ride. It was most definitely a dream…

3) The best one – Justin Timberlake was my best friend. We hung out together all day, and I kept introducing him to everyone, and they were all super jealous :p He also – quite randomly – played hide-and-seek with Kovac in my cupboard. As you do.

4) This was actually a Thursday night dream – but, to set the scene, I have a major crush on this radio presenter in England called Greg James. He’s young, tall, hot and funny <- I love him! He’s also dating the singer Ellie Goulding…but in MY dream, we met up and he suddenly realised that i was The One, not stupid E.G., and we fell madly in love..we then went Christmas shopping (for giant toys) in a big warehouse-esque department store. It was great! So great in fact, that I promptly burst into tears when I woke up, because it wasn’t true, and I realised that I don’t have – and never have had – that amazing i-love-you-can’t-live-without-you closeness with any guys 😦 Something I want more than anything in the world. Alas!

You’re proooobably wondering where all this is leading right? Well! One of my other non-night time-dreams is to RUN A MARATHON! Which, provided I don’t catch malaria (a la Cheryl Cole), get hit by a car (a la Emily – thankfully she’s OK!!) or get trapped in a mine (a la 33 Chile miners) – I will be doing TWO weeks today! I can’t believe how quickly its come about…total madness!! I’m swaying between being really excited and really, really nervous. It comes in waves! But one thing is for sure – I’m fed up of training now, and I want to get this marathon started. I tell you, after it’s over, I plan on spending 6months running no further than 3miles. BLISS>

Anyway – here’s how I’ve been fueling for training the past few days….

Peanut butter coated/baked parsnip chunks with aubergine – quite possibly one of the best things IN THE WORLD!


Lots n lots of EGMs with handpicked blackberries <- I’m still finding them! They’ve yet to go out of season completely, thank goodness:


Hummus, roast veggies, delicious olives….


My first taste of a Chocolate Peppermint Stick Luna bar!


I love those things – if ONLY they were sold in England. Bah.

OKRA! I haven’t had okra in aaaggggess, and last time I did have it, I was most certainly UNimpressed. I saw some in the reduced-to-clear bin the other day though, so I nabbed some and roasted them up with some brussel sprouts and parsnip. I like!

Ketchup coated crispy baked kale. Bliss.


Savoury oats – oatmeal cooked with pressed coconut milk and a LOT of nooch, as well as smoked paprika, salt, pepper, onion powder and smoked garlic:


Oh, and lots of gran-grown butternut squash :p


Cereal/yogurt messes….most days!


Lots of molasses/cocoa-y food:


And – On Saturday, I found time to do some PROPER cooking, amazingly! Loosely based on this recipe, but with lentils and split peas instead of chickpeas:









There’s also been yet more ketchup roasted veggies…



AND yet more squashed up cocoa oats!


I also have to show you some raspberries:


Why? Cos 3yrs after it was planted, our raspberry bush has FINALLY produced some! (Note: ‘some’ = about 6. But still! At least it’s trying :p)


Today of course, was my final double digit run before the actual marathon. I really, really needed it to go well, seeing as Friday’s 8miler was awwwful (bad head space again. D’oh!). I also wanted it to go fast, cos I went to the airport with Hannah and my mum afterwards – Hannah is off on her 3month gap year now! (she went to LA last week, came back Thursday, and left for good today).

I ate a chocolate brownie Clif bar and a date before I left, then I was off (into the extreme cold mind you :p).

It was fabulous!!! 12miles, 1hr53, 9.29pace – which included a sprint finish (well I say sprint..my pace went down to about 6.30 min/mile for a 1/5th mile or so), with my mum behind me on the bike yelling ‘RUN FASTER!!!!!’ Gotta love her! All in all, a super run, perfect for confidence building.

When it came to breakfast, I was pretty hungry – all I’d had was Lucozade Sport during the 12, so I sure was ready for food! I did my usual EGM:

  • cereal
  • coconut milk
  • maca powder
  • xanthan gum
  • banana
  • melon
  • spinach
  • Vega smoothie mix
  • almonds and dates



I had to scarf it down pretty quick – not long after I’d finished it, I went with my mum and sister to Heathrow-


– Hannah left for her 3month gap year today! She was in LA last week, got back Thursday, and then today left – til Christmas Eve! As I type, she’s flying to Africa…mad!

Here’s a lil tribute to the girl herself :p





Running to say bye to Tig!





It was sad to see her go! She’ll have an amazing time though 🙂

Annnnnyway – I gotta run, reading calls. Sorry (still) for my lack of emailing replying…I WILL WILL WILL get back to you all!!

Have a good few days 🙂

Question: Have you accomplished any of your dreams yet?

(PS – check out my yummy sandwich for dinner:


Smoked almond/sesame tofu, with hummus and spinach…so good!)

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I DID IT!!!!!




Wow, just 2 days without a proper post and it feels like it’s been forever! I’ve been keeping busy though –

On Friday, I ran 5miles – my last one before the big Two-O – 46minutes, 9.12 min/mile pace. Not fast, but not slow either. I also had a ton of good eats 😀

Giant apples…

A thickie – cereal, yogurt, banana, maca, Vega vanillia-almond, xanthan gum, banana, strawberries, spinach:




Kovac caught and ate a squirrel…


I know a squirrel is just a rat with a furry tail, but it still seemed so wrong! Squirrels don’t steal horse feed, they eat acorns and they live up trees..they’re adorable!

Lunch highlights – the most scrummiest sweet potato ever! I cut up and cubed a very large sweet p., and coated it with:

  • maple syrup
  • molasses
  • ketchup
  • vegan worcestershire sauce
  • balsamic vinegar
  • salt

Baked it for a half hour or so, and served it with celeriac and gran-grown squash fries, and some courgette, and a Mojo bar for added carbs + protein:





The Mojo bar was sent to me a while back by America’s Nutrition to review.



It was very sticky, but completely delicious! I loved the little nutty chunks in it, plus it was a super source of protein – 9g per bar – and carbs – about 21g. Seeing as I was having a late lunch and needed to carb load AND needed some more protein with my meal, it was perfect 🙂 Plus, it tasted like a dessert or something :p It’s love.

Later on, I managed to make myself a vanilla cappuccino:



I use the term ‘vanilla’ loosely. :/ Couldn’t taste it at all! I’ve tried instant vanilla coffees many a time, and I never, ever taste their flavour. Maybe my taste buds are dead?

Other delicious food in the day – a load of roasted veggies- brussels and kabocha – with peanut butter/soy sauce coated parsnip fries, and a side of seitan:


As well as an biiig bowl of oatmeal, made with 1c. milk, 50g oats, roasted and mashed squash, maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg and salt. Bliss.

Saturday brought another busy day, and another trip to uni, and a failed attempt at sleeping in!

I’d hoped to sleep til about 8.30 to reserve valuable energy stores for Sunday, but alas! twas not meant to be. My body decided that 6hrs of sleep was perfectly fine, so when I woke up at 7.24, that was that – I couldn’t get back to sleep! 😦

Breakfast – another amazing thickie blend:


Then it was a ssuuuuuper lesson on Chika with my mum helping <- they’re both stars!

I packed up a quick lunch to take with me to uni (Fresher’s Fair was 12-4pm) – an extra big serving of lentils:


Along with a load of roasted veggies:


I also had a Nakd bar for some added carb 🙂


Fresher’s Fair itself was pretty good (despite the 2hr commute) – i’ve found lots of different project things I want to get involved in, which should keep me busy! On the way home, I stopped at Waitrose for the weekly shop and got some great stuff 😀






Dinner – oatmeal!!! Except this time I did 1c. dry oats (about 95g)! If that isn’t carb loading, I don’t know what is. I cooked it with the same mix as yesterday and (like yesterday) left it in the oven for 10mins to harden up:


Amaze. On the side, i had a tiny but of roast aubergine and parsnip with garam masala:


All eaten whilst watching X Factor! [Louis’ old folk – AWFUL! Nicolo – very disappointed. Aiden/Matt/Rebecca/Paige/Treyc (or however she spells it)/Mary – LOVE! Cher/Katie/all the bands – HATE!


MEEP! I got up extra early today to allow a good 2hrs to digest 😀 and digest I did! 50g oats/spelt flakes soaked overnight in 1/2 c. milk, 2 tsps wheat germ, vanilla, salt and a mashed banana:


As well as some raspberries nuked with agave, then mixed with 2tbsp Grape Nuts:


And a tiny apple (which I ate in a nervous haze!). To kill time, I watched 25mins of Ugly Betty and took some gorgeous early morning ChikaTig photos 😀 I might put them up later in the week 🙂

Just before I left, I ate a date, then I was gaaaaawn.

I set off with a grin on my face; I decided this run was going to be AWESOME and I was going to kICK BUTT.

Which I did!

I kept a steady 9.30-9.50 pace for the first 7miles, and didn’t walk once. I was feeling great! At 7miles, i met my mum, so I could top up on water/Lucozade. I deserved a medal for bravery for the next 3miles – I was feeling so ace that I found a 1.5mile long steep hill, and ran all the way up it!! The best bit was coming back down 😀

At mile 11, I’d started to walk 1minute out of every mile, which was a great help, although my pace slowed a bit. No worries! i was hardly caring about pace anyway 🙂

At mile 13, I felt sick – I’d eaten a Powerbar too fast and in basically one chomp…lesson learnt! Luckily, that mile was when I saw my mum again, so I stood about for a few mins, the sickness passed, and I continued on my merry way.

I got back home at mile17, where my mum was waiting. I ran 1more mile alone, and then for the last 2miles, she came with me on the bike and sang crap songs to me 🙂 It was the best 2miles ever!

During the run, I had about two bottles of Lucozade Sport, a Powerbar and some Powershots. It worked perfectly 🙂 Mile Totals: 20miles in 3hr20 (my goal time had been 3hr22, so, er, BOO YEAH). Average pace – 10.01min/mile. I’m so super pleased with it!


In fact, I’m over the moon. I so badly needed this run to go well, and with the power of positive thought (plus a lot of carbs and many, many wonderful comments on my last post), it did. I’m living proof – If you put your mind to it, if you want something enough, you can do it. Last week, I struggled and cried my way through 14miles. This week, I smiled my way through 20. YOU CAN DO IT!!

As soon as we finished, I grabbed a banana from the house, and took some celebratory photos 😀


BIG thanks go to my mum!


We went for a 10minute walk round the fields afterwards to stretch out and say howdey to the horses:




Take note of the Chika fluff: in about 2hours, it’s going to be clipped off 😛


Lunch wise – I just had one big bowl of nutrients [which tasted bang on like marzipan]!

  • soya yogurt
  • cereal
  • spinach
  • melon
  • 1.5banans
  • maca powder
  • xanthan gum
  • Vega smoothie mix
  • dates, almonds, blackberries, and a scuffin on the side


My mum had the other scuffin – twas the least I could do!

Perfect meal to celebrate a perfect run.

I am going to ROCK this marathon!


Ok, so here’s my announcement, which I feel bad about mentioning cos a) lots of you said you couldn’t wait for it(!) and b) it’s not so big anymore… basically – I’m not sure if I can keep my blog going…

My final year of uni starts tomorrow (Monday), and I’m going to be super busy this year – lectures, my final dissertation (which involves having to collect a boatload of data, as it’s a psychology experiment), and a long commute there and back each day. On top of that, I really want to keep up with riding Chika, which obviously takes up a lot of time, as well as get involved with some more volunteering and clubs at uni (this Tuesday, I have to be in uni from 9.30am – 8pm…). The few weeks after my marathon are going to be manic too, as I’ll have all my lectures and work to catch up on. So basically, I’m unsure as to how to fit everything in. I think I’m going to keep blogging as much as possible, but probably in a different style, and not as regularly.

But – regardless of whether I resume a regular blogging or not, I will still keep reading everyone’s blogs (cos I genuinely think of a lot of you guys as friends :D), and I’ll be back with a big old marathon recap (or 10!).I just don’t want to lose touch with the blogosphere – I love it too much! You all have helped me so much, with your positive comments, good luck wishes, funny stories..You’re all the best 😀

Anyway, enough talk from me – this is a looooong post. Have a good afternoon!

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Ok, so I have to do a super quick post today – I’m about to take Hannah to the station, so she can catch a train to the airport, where she’ll catch a plane to La La Land! More commonly known as Los Angeles 🙂 Home of the famous! LA is the first stop of her 3month long gap ‘year’ – though she’ll be back home in about a week for 2 or 3 days, before leaving for Africa..or New Zealand..or Australia…I have no idea :p ANYWAY – if you see a girl who looks about 17months older than me with shorter hair and responds to the scream ‘HANNAH’, assume it’s my sister!

So without further adieu – My Day

Weds, 11pm – finish watching Rude Tube (best. show. ever.), and consume about 1 pint of water in a short space of time (bad idea!)

1am – get up.

4am – get up.

7.15am – alarm

7.30am – eat 2 tsps wheat germ, 1/2 a rice cake and a Power Bar (I know they’re sports food, but I would seriously eat one just for kicks, they are SO good)

8am+ – leave for run!

Run 5miles – my brain threatened to throw a wobbly for 3 strides, but I pushed any feelings of stress down and continued with a smile (Is the maca powder kicking in already!?)

Mile 7.5 – I had my first ever taste of a GEL!


I’ve been scared of gels for a long time, cos they look….well, weird. And I thought they’d taste like Bonjela or something gross and weird – but not so! It was DELICIOUS!! I’m not even joking, it was just, so so sosososo tasty. Maybe I’ll become a gel addict now?

9.40ish – finished TEN miles (9.28min/mile pace, 1hr 34) 🙂 Then I went for a 15minute stretch down walk – I sure needed it! Jillian yesterday left my legs super stiff today :s

9.55am+ – Hug Chika, give Chika a handful of treats, give Chika an ear-scratch (her favourite thing in the world). kiss Chika, leave Chika.

10am+ – BREAKFAST! I was craving cold green things today – so I did almost the exact same thing I did after my 14miles on Sunday – a Green Monster, and a no-milk Epic Green Monster 🙂

Green Monster =

  • 1/2 c. milk
  • spinach
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/3 tsp xanthan gum
  • 1 tsp cacao powder

Milkless EGM =

  • 1 c. cereal
  • 1/2 c. yogurt
  • 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
  • 1 scoop Vega vanilla-almond smoothie shake
  • 1 tsp maca powder
  • 1 and a bit bananas (frozen)
  • more spinach
  • dates and almonds as toppings



yes, that is a sherry glass 🙂




Well. An incredible meal! The EGM was super duper thick, the GM was all fluffy and light and wonderful 🙂

11 – 12am – helped Hannah with Tig

12am/pm – 12.30pm – packed up some lunch – gran-grown butternut squash fries, with celeriac fries and a tiny mini gran-grown courgette, all roasted in rosemary and garlic:




On the side, I had a Clif bar and some Bear Granola nibbles (portable cos I knew I wouldn’t have time to stop for a proper lunch) –


Straight after the picture, I swapped the small Clif bar for the big man version 😀 (the mini version has nowhere near as much carb – and I’m trying to eat carbily this week, for my impending TWENTY MILE run on Sunday! [which I WILL ace and WILL kick butt at!]

12.30pm – 1pm – freak out and search the house manically for Erica’s certificate of insurance – I needed to register her with uni (which starts on Monday), so I can park there without getting £50 in fines each day :/ Eventually, I found said certificate beneath a pile of papers by the printer. As you do.

1 – 1.20pm – throw on some slap, public-appropriate clothes, and gather up my belongings 😀

1.20-2.20pm – drive the hour to uni 😦

2.20 – 2.24pm – realise my car park card has vanished from my purse. I felt sad 😦

2.25 – 2.45pm – register Erica (£20 down the drain….), buy a new car park card (£8 also down the drain :'()

2.45-3.05pm – decide that I probably should eat something for lunch, despite a sincere lack of hunger! I also bought myself my trashy paper 😀

3.05 – 3.15pm – I went in search of a soya cappuccino – apparently, they do NOT exist on campus, despite me going to 4 different places! Gah. *sadface*

3.25 – 4.25pm – I hate to sit through the most boring, dull, pointless welcome back talk/meeting EVER. Such a waste of an afternoon!!

4.30 – 5.25pm – drive home like a maniac to a)avoid rush hour traffic and b) to take mon sister to the station for her train!

5.28pm – drop a mushroom down my sleeve.

5.46pm – leave for the station, and say goodbye to Hannah! She even said ‘love you’ as she left, which is extreeeeemly rare, and even more extremely lovely 😀

6.03pm – get home, and pump out some more of this blog post 😀

Question: What do your days normally look like? Do you like to keep busy?

Ps – Once again – I am so so sorry for being so slow at email replies at the moment! I am reading them, fear not – I’m just slow and have a disorganised inbox 😛

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Ok – this is a post of two parts! First part = normal. Second part = stuff about my blog, the dreaded Marie Claire article, and healthy living blogs on a whole. It’s quite the essay, and I have nowhere near made all the points I’d like to – but do read it if you have time 🙂

In the words of Oliver Twist himself, FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD!! That’s how today’s intake has felt 😀

A giant apple (and a rice cake, and wheat germ and brazil nuts) pre run:


What a beauty! I then set out to tackle 5miles….5miles is actually on the plan as Wednesday’s run, but I decided to do it today (cross training day) instead – it’s due to rain tomorrow, so I felt today would be best 😀 Anyway – it was GOOD! Despite the lack of sleep last night (boy do I hate seeing the time flick to 1.30am….), I felt great this morning 🙂 The five was done in 44.36, an 8.55 min/mile pace <- perfect for the distance! My legs were a liiiittle bit achey, but mentally I felt good. Some events happened last night, which led to some things being said, which led to me feeling much better today. Yay!

Breakfast…ah, breakfast.

  • cereal
  • banana
  • pear
  • yogurt
  • peanut butter
  • vanilla essence
  • dates, almonds, blackberries







One of the greatest bowls ever. And I know I say that a lot, but it really really was!!!

After breakfast (and a lot of time spent reading blog comments, and the arrival of a very exciting package!!, and a dog walk in the rain) I rode. Chika decided to give me a heart attack today.

I took her in the school for a good session – we’ve had a 4 day break (rain, shopping, running, work) so it was lovely to get back 🙂 Despite the scary smoking muckheap (there’s always something with Chika), she was a super girl, soft and light, and tried hard. I put her back in the stable, took a few awful photos to show how sweaty she got in her winter woolies:



My lil donkey face 🙂

And then got her a few nuts as a post-workout treat. She has a handful of nuts regularly after she works, and has done in the 5.5yrs I’ve had her. She was feeing pretty greedy today though…and gave herself a choke! For non-horsey people that just means..she was choking. Except, horses can’t throw up, so if they get food stuck in their throat, it can’t come back up. It’s horribly scary to watch, cos they make funny sounds and look like they’re retching and coughing and…well, choking. Needless to say, I was worried! I phoned the vet, who said they’d someone out immediately (there’s a chance the throat can be ripped by whatever is stuck). Thankfully however, after about 15mins since it started, the food got dislodged and she was ok again. Crisis averted!! Bloody horses…..!!!!

Lunch – awesome. I made pancakes! I was gonna do a sweet potato, but then pancakes appeared in my head, and the seed was planted….

Things that make me happy: bubbles in perfect round cakes of the pan!




Perfect, perfect, PERFECT!

Alongside, I roasted up (in smokey bbq seasoning) a load of veggies –


That would be a butternut, grown by my gran 😀 I also did sprouts, leek, parsnip and summer squash.

How do you make perfect pancakes better? Why, you top them with a load of hummus of course!




The squash was delish – it was crispy on the outside, but sweet and soft on the inside..my gran has talent :p


GOOOOOOOOOD gracious. Lunch, glorious lunch!!! I also had a square of chocolate for dessert 🙂

The afternoon was spent horsing, reading, and writing this epically long blog post to follow…..


Ok, so in light of the Marie Claire article (combined with the comments I read that were left on the blogs in question), a – somewhat rude – comment I received yesterday, and my own feelings about healthy living blogging/my blog, I feel it is necessary for me to write this. I can’t guarantee what I say will be in any logical or structured order – mainly cos I can see Chika staring at me from her stable, waiting to be turned out! – but partly because when I have a lot of thoughts, they just need to get streamed out. Logic goes!

So anyway, my point of this blurb is about addressing issues in my own blog, as well as the effect other blogs have had on me, both positive and negative. Here I go!

First and foremost – I want to say that my experience of the blog world has been nothing but positive and supportive. During a very dark time in my life, blogs inspired me to get healthy and enjoy food again, and I am forever grateful. I also learnt how to fuel for exercise and how to have rest days, amongst so much else. I’m aware that some blogs may be a trigger to some people, (to restrict or over exercise) – although they weren’t for me [ironically, if there was any negative media influence in my ED, it was magazines] – so I urge you, if they are – DO NOT READ THEM. Yes, bloggers have a responsibility. But so do readers. If reading a blog makes you want to restrict/binge/overexercise, then stop reading it. If you don’t agree with what you see, leave.


1) Fiiiirstly – has the blog world influenced me? There’s been suggestions that me/readers/bloggers choose to run or to run races or marathons because we feel pressured to, so I thought I’d share my experience. I began running in early 2009. I began blog reading in summer 2009. By that time, I’d already signed up for a half marathon – but as I hadn’t a clue about training or running nutrition, I got injured and had to pull out. Blog reading helped me get back into it – I’d been scared of starting again, after my injury, but reading about fellow runners made me desperately want to get back out there. Not long after, I signed up for another half marathon, and did that one, and two more. I felt no pressure whatsoever in doing these, they were my own choice (the next point looks at why I ran those races, why I’m running the marathon and so on). There is no denying that Caitlin, Meghann and co inspired me to enter a full marathon, because they made something which I had always seen as purely an Olympic runner thing, seem possible to mere mortals – but to me, that is no different from multiple gold medallist Anky Van Grunsven inspiring me to be a better dressage rider (I used to watch her tests the night before my own competitions).

There is a lesser known reason why I’ve signed up for my marathon too; as a celebration of me. 2 1/2 years ago, I was almost dead. I was forbidden from any exercise. The fact that i have come so far and am able to do so much now is an amazing thing! I wanted to celebrate my new love for running, my new strength, my new confidence – so I decided to enter a marathon! It’s almost like a final nail in the coffin to the dreaded ED – like a ‘haha SCREW you ED – look at me now!!’ kinda thing.

2) I am competitive. Very much so! I’m one of those people where, if I decide to do something, I want to ruddy well do it competitively! I used to be a club swimmer, and I would compete in their championships (through choice – not because I was forced into it). I also was a very competitive endurance rider (in just 2years, I was ranked nationally). I was a very competitive dressage rider (I did countless competitions and went to three regional championships). I’m now a competitive runner, which includes races and half marathons and a desire to be the best I can – again, I have chosen this path – not because Meghann does (heck, if I did what every blogger did, I’d be doing triathlons and swimming and be running barefoot and brewing my own beer – but I don’t want to!).

These things are/were my passions. But the thing with me is..when I get passionate about something, I get reaaally passionate about it, and it means the world to me. When I get stressed in life, I bottle it up – the emotions I feel then come out in my passions. When I was under heavy exam stress, I used to cry and get very upset if things weren’t 100% when I was riding, or swimming, and I’d end up in floods of tears. The same thing happened this past few weeks with my running – issues (which I have not spoken about on the blog, as they are unrelated to eating or exercise) have been stressing me out and upsetting me recently, so of course, when I ran my emotions came out. This was not because I hated running or felt pressured into doing it – quite the opposite! I love running, and so as soon as a tiny tiny little thing went wrong, my pent up frustration and sadness poured out and escalated. I get upset with things I care about. That’s just me!

3) A comment yesterday implied that I went to the Healthy Living Summit purely to fit in with a ‘clique‘. I found this unture and very hurtful. I went to the HLS for a number of reasons; I wanted to meet the friends I’ve made through the blogging world. I wanted to meet some of the women that have helped me through tough times in my life, and taught me that food is to b enjoyed, not feared. I wanted to be brave, and conquer my own fears (about going off and doing something by myself). I also wanted to go to Chicago. I have a love affair with America, you see…even when I was a wee Tweenager, I loved America – I even had a print out of the American flag on my bedroom wall, with a quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger saying about how much he loved the USA!

Back in 2007 (pre ED), I had the opportunity to go the USA with my best friend for 2 weeks. I had the absolute time of my life there, and I can honestly say that it was one of the happiest 2 weeks of my entire existence. I dreamed of going back, but I had no reason to – no friends or family there, and no-one to go on holiday with. When the HLS opportunity came up, I jumped at the chance! An excuse to go back, AND to meet my friends!? Awesome!! It was THE best weekend of my life. I found people who were like me – who liked cooking, who liked running, who had the same hobbies and interests <- there is no-one in England like this. I have no vegan friends (I don’t even have vegetarian friends!). I know no-one who likes running. My best friend goes to uni 6hrs away and I rarely see her. Therefore it was fabulous to meet people with similar interests, and I felt so welcome and happy! Just as the first time I went to America was fabulous – heck, I stayed on a horse farm!! It’s my dream to live in America you know – I’ve even applied for work experience over there, and looked into grad school. The HLS was not just me flitting about to be with ‘the cool kids’.

4) Veganism. Was this due to the desire to ‘fit in’ with the blog world? Far from it! (a quick note – the vast majority of blogs I read are NOT vegan.) Did the blog world effect my decision? Possibly. I’ve been aware of veganism for years, and it’s something that has crossed my mind from time to time. I always used to think I could never do it (I didn’t know how vegans got protein, I didn’t know what tofu was, I thought all they ate was leaves, I felt I couldn’t afford it etc etc), but the ethical concern had always been there with me. However, after reading certain blogs, I began to realise that these amazing meals they were making were actually vegan, and they weren’t expensive or weird. I decided to look into what actually went in a vegan diet. I did internet research for months, I bought a number of books on the topic, I read blogs – and after months of research, I decided to take the plunge. This was not because I wanted to be like a blogger – the issue was there pre-blog – it was because I CHOSE to; me, free choice. I said right from the beginning that if I became unhealthy on a vegan diet, I’d stop. However, i have never been happier or healthier than I have being a vegan! (another quick side note – veganism is not ‘cutting out food groups’ – I still have perfect amounts of protein, fat, carb etc etc; I just choose not to have them from animal sources). It is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

5) My blog as a whole – my blog is not like Kath’s or Caitlin’s or Tina’s. My blog is my own. It’s a record of my own personal journey, as I learn who I am and what I stand for. I’ve come a long way since I started it, and no doubt I (and the blog) will keep changing. I know some people may find it triggering to see exactly what one person eats, every single day, but let me say this: I don’t blog about everything I eat. I don’t often post about dinners or desserts (a nightly occurrence!), or the amount of times I stick my fingers in my PB jar, or the brazil nuts, or the random almonds while I cook, the random handfuls of cereal..there’s a lot that isn’t shown. I think this is good – I don’t want to photograph everything I eat! I like to keep a record of my meals, purely cos it’s great to look back and think ‘oohh, yes I’d forgotten about xyz, must have that again!’. But I’m not obsessive about it – my photography of meals takes about 30seconds, and consists of ‘put plate on mat. Click. Eat’. If I like a meal a lot, I might take more photos – cos I like taking photos! Of cats, of dogs, of food, of horses…I like photos.

I also probably have some weird habits on my blog too. I cut my veggies up small – why? Cos they cook quicker in the oven, and I lack the patience to wait 1/2 an hour. I eat a lot of the same meals. Why? Cos they taste nice, and I’m a creature of habit. I used to eat Weetabix for breakfast every morning. I then went through a phase of only eating garlic cabbage. The next phase included chicken every night. Again, that’s just how I am! Here is where blogs are a help – they encourage me to branch out sometimes, and try new flavours. Maple/mustard/balsamic sauce? Never would’ve thought of it if it weren’t for blogs! Lentils? Blerhg, til I saw them on a blog and tried them. They’re one of my favourite foods now! Peanut butter? I just assumed I hated it, because I did when I was little. How wrong I was….

6) Do healthy living blogs fuel food obsessions? Are bloggers obsessed with food? Maybe. But then, so is Jamie Oliver, or Gordon Ramsey, or Nigella Lawson. Some people are obsessed with gaming, with books, with archery. Each to their own! I’m obsessed with food, and not afraid to admit it. But my obsession has positive impacts on my life, not negative. I feel good, I look healthy, I feel strong and energised, my hair is thick and glossy, my skin is more clear than it’s ever been…all down to my healthy living. And I love it! I’m proud of my obsession 🙂

7) Workouts – many people have been accusing some bloggers of overexercising – all I can say is this: it’s all relative. If my mum ran 1/2mile, she’d be puffed and would feel like she’d done 2 days’ worth of workouts. If I ran 1/2 mile, I’d finish it then ask where the next 7.5miles were, because I’m fitter than her. If Chika was worked in the school for 40mins, she’d start to puff. If Tig (Hannah’s horse) was worked in the school for 40mins, he wouldn’t break a sweat. Everyone is different.

8) There are a gazillion points on the actual Marie Claire article, written in the comments sections of ‘The Big Six’ which I urge you to check out – I would write them, but I seem to have written a textbook anyway, so I won’t 😛

9) Finally, I’ll say it again – my blog is my own. I choose to share certain feelings and events, and I choose to not share some too. What readers see is but a small glimpse of my life, far from the bigger picture. I’m aware my blog is far from perfect, and that I am far from perfect too. But I’m doing the best that I can, for me, right now. I’m learning. It’s a continuous upward curve, with the odd mistake (we all get the wrong answers in tests sometimes!), but I am in the process of changing as a person, which is what this blog is about. I’m also a person with real feelings. I’m not as a resilient as some bloggers, so please – if you make a comment, try to be nice. I welcome all opinions, and constructive critcism – but blatant attacks on me or my personality are upsetting. Of course, that last point applies to about 0.00001% of my readers – most of whom are the most wonderful, supportive people I’ve ever known. But just be aware of it 🙂

Ok – that’s enough from me! If you managed to read all of that, send me your address and expect a gold star in the mail very soon 😀

Have a great evening 🙂

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Oohh 😦 You know what I hate? I really, really hate having to write a negative blog post. Like REALLY hate it. This past week, I’ve been feeling so awful, but I have tried to put on a positive blog smile. After today’s run though, I can’t anymore, and I’m gonna have to break all my rules and not be upbeat 😦 I know this will all pass, so I just hope all you lovely readers will stick by me and not run off into the sunset with arms round positive-post-bloggers!! :p

So anyway, I had to run 14miles today, which was booked in as an easy run – I did 18miles last week, and have 20 next week. Easy it was not, however! Last night, I was all prepped to do a good run. I even did a little photo tutorial of a breakfast cookie 😀

I started with a banana, a splash of pressed coconut milk and a forkful of cashew butter:


Mashed it up somethin’ silly:


And mashed in 50g oats:



I then gave myself a pat on the back and a thumbs up for creating something that looked so much like a cookie 😀


This morning, I topped it with 3 dates, a yogurt blob, and a mini unpictured handful of Grape Nuts (and 2 tsps wheat germ):


It was delicious!! I then left it a good hour and a bit before setting out on my run. Normally, an hour is perfect digestion time for me – I always feel fine. Today however? No.

I got 1/2 mile down the road before the tears came. I got 1.2miles down the road before stopping, sitting down on the (wet & dirty) pavement, and bawling my eyes out, for a good 10mins+. I must’ve looked a state cos someone even turned their car round to come back and check I was ok! I told them I was fine, but obviously I wasn’t – I felt so sick again. I knew it was eaten-too-soon-then-run sickness, but I felt crap and hadn’t the mental strength to run through it. So, I sat like that for a bit, then *somehow* ran home.

On the way, I’m pretty sure I had an anxiety attack – I was crying, hyperventilating, shaking…I’ve had them before, so I knew what it was 😦 When I got back home, I cried all over my mum for a while – i already felt like I’d failed – walked 1/4 mile with her, and hugged Chika for a bit. All in all, I stayed at home for..40mins or so? Just waiting for my stomach to settle. Then I was off again!

My mum offered to bike with me, but I felt like I needed to do it alone, so I did a 5mile loop solo. My stomach started to feel a bit better…but my legs started to cramp and hurt instead!! I stopped again at 7.4miles, cried some more, and swapped water for Lucozade and had a few bites of a Powerbar (I finished the rest of it, bites at a time, later on). My mum then cycled with me for a mile, before I set off to do another 4 or so alone. When I got back after that, my sister was waiting for my with the bike, so we did the last 3miles together.

It was one tough run. My total time was 14miles in 2hrs8, an average 9.12 min/mile pace. However, I am so incredibly disappointed in myself. I was stopping at least once a mile to stretch (which I stopped the Garmin for), and I also walked about 3mins or so on top of all that <- for eg. on the last mile, my chest tightened up, so I walked for about a minute, but was backtracking my route, so for some reason I stopped the Garmin.

My pace also doesn’t include the times when I stopped to cry, and to switch my water around and stuff. Which basically means, I’m gutted. I’m scared that I can’t seem to run a mile without needing to stop (and I’d say that’s 80% down to lack of mental willpower at the moment). I’m scared that I did 14miles today, over the course of about 3hrs+, yet it was so difficult. I’m scared that I have 20miles to run next weekend. I’m scared I have 26.2miles to run in less than a month. I’m scared my legs hurt, and that I feel sick, and that any mental power I had has gone, and that I haven’t done any hill training, and I haven’t done any speed work. I’m angry with myself for being so weak. I’m just angry and upset in general. All in all, I am far from being a happy camper, and I’m at a total loss as to what to do now.

Do I say to myself next week, walking isn’t allowed, to make myself push through mental barriers? Do I decide to focus on speed or hills next week? I am just so lost and confused, and lonely and scared and angry and upset and disappointed. Sigh.

(Side note: My mum doesn’t read my blog, but I know my sister does, so I’ll just say – THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping!! Hannah and my mum have been absolutely brilliant on my long runs for the past few weeks..I don’t know what I’d do without them!).

ANYWAY. That was a long enough rant (although that is far from the end of the rant this is screaming inside me!!), so I shall move on!

Post-14mile eats – all I was craving was GREEN! First up, I made a Green Monster – 1/2 c. pressed coconut milk, 1 scoop Vega chocolate smoothie mix, 1/2 frozen banana, 1/4 tsp xanthan gum, loads of spinach. (I am sorry for the dark photos…on my camera they look light, on my mac, they look black! How dark do you see the photos!?)


I also had a green banana cereal mush blend thing….

  • a large c. of cereal
  • 1/2 c. yogurt
  • 1 banana
  • vanilla essence
  • xanthan gum
  • spinach
  • topped with Grape Nuts


Kovac thought it looked yummy :p


It sure was!

Totally delicious 🙂 And packed with so many groovy nutrients!!

Over breakfast (well, lunch actually), I watched some World Equestrian Games dressage to music on YouTube (Laura Bechtolsheimer, the triple silver medallist Brit – her kur made me well up! It was that good!!), and then took the dog for a walk, played with Chika, and had a late afternoon snack of cereal, yogurt and a jamblob:


Sehr gut. I also had a pear and a small apple at random times 🙂

As I haven’t had dinner yet, I’ll take a step back in time to yesterday, and the joys it brought with it…..

My mum and I went SHOPPING! I haven’t been shopping in an Ice Age, and for good reason – I have no money. But we still went, cos she needed new clothes and boots for winter, and wanted my opinion 🙂 I’m very very short on food photos for the day though, cos I didn’t bring my camera…but breakfast was a cereal/banana/vanilla/cinnamon/yogurt blend (ie today’s lunch, without the spinach), which I ate in the car cos we left early:


When we arrived (it was 1.5hrs drive), I had a soya cappuccino <- addicted!

We then a few hours shopping and wondering about, which was lovely and relaxing 🙂 AND we picked up super cheap (reduced price) hand luggage bags for the plane to DC! One in pink, one in purple 😀

For lunch, I’d brought my own thing, as a)being vegan and b) needed to have lots of carbs (no lettuce leaf salads for me, thank you very much) make it hard to find good food. In the USA it could be done – but not in my backwards corner of England! So, yeah, I had made yet another blend! 50g oats, blended with a pear, pressed coconut milk and blackberries, with xanthan gum:


I thought it would thicken to…well, I’m not sure, but thick enough to eat with a fork. Apparently not! It was very un-thick :p But was still delicious! I also had some seitan with it (yes, I like seitan plain, as is. It’s yum!).

Mid afternoon, I had another soya cappuccino, and my mum and I shared a tub of raspberries on the way home 🙂

Dinner was a tempeh thing with a cashew-banana-vanilla sauce…to die for!

In fact, it was so good I think I’ll have the same thing tonight. I do need cheering up after all!!

Soooo have a good evening y’all, and if you have any words of wisdom for me….shout em out!

(ps – I’m very sorry if I’ve been slack replying to emails recently – I will speed up soon, I promise!!)

(pps – i did eat more yesterday than the 3 meals mentioned, before anyone gets worried :p)

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