
Posts Tagged ‘Bread’

Poppy Power

Almost Humpday guys, almost…..

But first! Thank you to everyone who read and commented on my post on Caitlin’s blog yesterday – your comments all meant so much! I was, and still am, very touched.

Ok, now onto the sheer joy that always comes with a Tuesday!

Actually…how about a bit of Monday first, in the form of dessert?

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That brownie thing – I’d been really looking forward to it, and it was lovely, but oh-so-tiny! I had it in little nibble bites to make it last longer cos it was seriously small. I hate it when packaging is deceiving like that; you expect something to be one size and it’s something else entirely. HURRUMPH.

Ok, I really will talk about Tuesday now 🙂 6am start, 2 x wheatgerm at home, then an apple at uni:

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And a nectarine with 1 cup of cereal:

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And a most delicious smoothie – 1 cup milk, a banana, a big glob of peanut butter, a tiny tiny bit of spinach and a small spoon of pea protein powder (I need staying power to get me through an exam:p):

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Gosh darn, good smoothie.

Post breakfast, I had a nasty evil toughie exam; except it wasn’t too bad! It went better than I thought which was a relief, and there were only a few questions where, even with my bright shiny thinking cap on, I didn’t know the answer too. All in all, I came out feeling pleased. Plus, I have JUST ONE MORE LEFT!!!! At 4pm tomorrow afternoon, I will be FREEEEE!!! Can you sense the excitement!!?? I plan on an ER/Gossip Girl/Green Wing marathon when I’m done….


When I got home, I had another nectarine:

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And then did some DVD action. Afterwards, I decided to take Poppy out. I was prapper hungry though, but Poppy was dying to go – so I had my dessert first:

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Dessert first – I think ALL meals should have dessert first. As the girl said in ‘Remember Me’ – what if you die the next minute, and you hadn’t had dessert?? It’d be disappointing, to say the least.

Real lunch was pretty awesome too actually. I picked up some lovely bread on my way home today, so I had 2 slices of that. One half had mashed parsnip (with seasoning), as well as roasted and very finely chopped fennel (my mum did it the other night; I’m a fennel HATER, but how she did it was so awesome!! It didn’t even taste like fennel, it tasted brilliant!). The other half had a mushroom/sauce combo – for the sauce, I cooked 1/2 cup milk, with paprika, 1.5tbsp Noosh, tumeric and garlic:

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As well as 1.5tsp cornflour to thicken it up. When it was thickening, I added in the mushrooms I’d just stir fried. Alongside both of those beasties, I had some fresh edamame beans (Have I spelt that wrong!? I can never spell that word…..:p):

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Ah it was so good!! The mushroom sauce thing was DELIGHTFUL, and obviously I don’t even need to state my opinion on the parsnips…it was just really, really good 😀

Afternoon snackage was an apple and a piece of the lovely bread toasted, and topped with yogurt and cereal:

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AMAZING combination!!

I was a tad dull when it came to dinner – I had lots of ideas whizzing round in my head which were imaginative, but I’ve been cramming revision all arvo, so I just didn’t have time to cook anything amazing 😦 Alas, kamut spaghetti, with a homemade tomato, cocoa, thyme and cinnamon sauce, roasted veggies, and roasted beans, was the result of my hurried efforts!

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It may not have been creative, but by gosh was it good. Though I can’t even describe how excited I am about actually doing some proper cooking in a few days – so many recipes, so much variety….I’m hungry just thinking about it 😛

Dessert wise, I’m thinking it’s been a LONG time since I had a banana chocolate crunch pudding….maybe tonight will be the night!?



Despite only arriving yesterday, Poppy seems to have taken over the Kovac’s special bed:

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Bless 😀 He’s too self-absorbed to really care though – aren’t all cats!? But yeah, she’s doing really well! She hasn’t chewed the house to pieces and she hasn’t run away…good signs right!? 😛

I think it helps that I keep taking her for sprints – we sprinted round the fields twice today, and then in the afternoon – despite the pouring rain! – I took her for a run. We ran for about 13minutes, so probably about 1.3miles – she loved it! She’s SO good on the lead, and we appeared to have perfect pacing 😀 She’s going to love marathon training with me 😛 Poppy power!!

Barh, revision calls me now, so I must dash! Have a wonderful evening everyone 🙂

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